Latest Question:
December 6, 2024
According to an autumn 2024 recent survey, which of the following is false for teens?
Favorite brand is Nike
Preferred snack is Goldfish
Ulta lost share to Sephora
Celsius beat Red Bull
See the answer
Celsius beat Red Bull
According to Piper Sandler, a broker that conducts a regular survey on American teenagers, Red Bull was a more popular energy drink than Celsius. The top four in order were Monster, Red Bull, Celsius, and Alani Nu. Moreover, teens prefer energy drinks (39%) over coffee (31%) and soda (30%). Nike maintained its number one spot as a favorite brand for all teens—however, in footwear, Nike shed four points year-over-year (57% vs. 61%), with a sharp drop specifically among females (48% this fall vs. 56% last fall). Ulta is ceding share in favorite beauty shopping destinations—it ranks second versus a year ago, with Sephora now the top destination for beauty. Goldfish remained the most preferred snack, followed by Lays and then Cheez-Its.
Previous Question:
November 29, 2024
Companies evolve. Which of the following is a false origin story?
Lamborghini sold tractors
Cigna was a bank
Samsung was a grocery store
IKEA sold pens and wallets
See the answer
Cigna was a bank
Cigna, an American multinational healthcare insurance company, has always sold insurance. The company was founded in 1982 through the merger of Connecticut General Life Insurance Co. (CG) and INA Corp. The name CIGNA is a mix of the ticker symbols of the two companies. INA started as a marine insurer in 1792, and Connecticut General was established by the Governor of Connecticut in 1865. Before turning his focus to racing cars in 1963 to compete with Ferrari, Ferruccio Lamborghini was in the tractor business and made his first tractor in 1948 using discarded war materials. Samsung was founded in 1938 as a trading company that sold dried fish, local produce, and noodles. It went on to sell textiles, insurance, and securities but it was not until the 1960s that the company entered the electronics industry. Finally, IKEA was launched in 1943 as a mail-order company to sell pens, watches, and nylon stockings. Running afoul of import licenses and quality control issues, IKEA’s founder discovered his main rival was selling furniture with success and made a similar pivot.
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